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Project management supporting the sustainable development of companies and institutions is possible.

Green Project Management

The integrated approach of Green Project Management (GPM) provides the necessary guidelines and tools. It was developed by GPM Global. This international organization has been working since 2009 for the economic development of companies that will not have a negative impact on society and the natural environment. GPM Global is a signatory and a co-founder of the UN Global Compact (UNGC).


Certification to confirm new competencies

Certification for change leaders in project management

GBM certification was created in line with ISO 17024 – the international standard for bodies certifying persons. It is composed of three levels based on candidates’ advancement: Basic (GPM-b™), Specialist (GPM-s™) and Master (GPM-m™).

GPM certification levels

Professional GPM certificates confirm your skills, abilities, and knowledge in sustainability and project management.

The GPM Professional Certification Path includes three levels of advancement:

  • The Green Project Manager – Basic (GPM-b ™), Certification of Basic Knowledge
  • The Green Project Manager – Specialist (GPM-s ™), Certification of Skills and Abilities
  • The Green Project Manager – Master (GPM-m ™), Certification of Master Level in Skills and Abilities

The GPM certification program has been developed in accordance with ISO 17024. It is an international standard for bodies certifying individuals. By adhering to it, we express our commitment to running a professional and fair certification program.

We have a certification body whose task is to develop and supervise the organization of professional certificates. The GPM Certification Board is independent of GPM to eliminate potential conflicts of interest between the certification process and GPM following ISO 17024. The GPM Certification Program is available in every country.

I already have a project management certification, why do I need another one?
  • There are various recognized project management certifications; however, they do not consider sustainability as one of the main current factors for project management.
  • GPM certifications enable a Project Manager to specialize in sustainability.
Why should I have a GPM-b™ certificate?
  • You will gain proven skills and knowledge in applying sustainable methods in projects and project management.
  • You will stand out from the vast majority of Project Managers on the market and open up to new career opportunities.
  • You will be included in the international register of GPM Global Certified Project Managers.
  • You will prove that you understand your projects’ impact on the environment, society, and stakeholders.
  • You will obtain an international, recognizable certification in one of the fastest-growing areas.
  • You will increase your professional mobility and choice, even in the face of a difficult labor market.
  • You will gain a higher rank and greater credibility as a valued member of the international project management community.
How to take the GPM-b ™ certification exam?
  • Anyone who wants to confirm their competency in project management and integrating sustainability principles can take the exam.
  • Participation in PRiSM ™ Practitioner training is not required. However, the training prepares you well to pass the certification exam with a satisfying result. It includes exercises, simulations, and case studies to help systematize your knowledge.
  • You can sign up for the certification exam yourself by contacting us directly or using one of our accredited partners’ services.
How much does the GPM-b ™ certification exam cost?

The cost of taking the GPM-b ™ certification exam is USD 299.



It is the first certificate of this type for people with knowledge of using sustainable methods in the field of project management. Recommended primarily to Project Managers, sustainable development specialists, CSR specialists, and strategic directors.


Our partners are companies and organizations from countries located in Europe, the Middle East and Africa. Check who we work with in your country for more information on training and certification.

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  • Belgium
  • Croatia
  • Czech Republic
  • Denmark
  • France
  • Germany
  • Greece
  • Italy
  • Ireland
  • Poland
  • Portugal
  • Saudi Arabia
  • Switzerland
  • Uganda
  • United Arab Emirates
  • United Kingdom
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