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Green Project Management Certification GPM-b™ End-of-the-Year Training in Germany by ALVISSION EDUCATION

Green Project Management Certification GPM-b™ End-of-the-Year Training in Germany by ALVISSION EDUCATION

We invite you to join us for an exceptional opportunity to enhance your project management skills with the Green Project Management Certification GPM-b™. Our Accredited Training Partner, ALVISSION EDUCATION, is hosting a special end-of-the-year training session in Germany that promises valuable professional development and a memorable cultural experience.


Training Details


This exclusive training event will be held in Southwest Germany, specifically in Saarbruecken / Saarland. The training is divided into two sessions to cater to different language preferences. The English class will take place from November 27-29, 2024, while the German class will be held from December 2-4, 2024. These dates are carefully selected to offer the best experience as we approach the festive season.

This 3-day intensive training will provide you with the knowledge and skills required for the GPM-b™ certification. The event is structured to combine rigorous academic content with enjoyable social and cultural activities.


Key Features


The Green Project Management Certification training will be held at selected partner hotels to ensure a comfortable and conducive learning environment. Each training day includes a two-course lunch menu, providing participants with delicious and nutritious meals to energize them.

In addition to the daily training sessions, evenings are filled with enriching activities. Participants will have the opportunity to explore the charm and history of Saarbruecken through guided city tours. One of the highlights is the visit to the Christmas market, the only one in the world where Santa Claus flies over in his real sleigh. This magical experience adds a festive touch to the training.

An evening at a rustic antique brewery will foster networking and professional connections. Participants can enjoy a networking aperitif and engage in discussions about sustainable project management with peers and industry experts. This is an excellent opportunity to build valuable connections that benefit your professional career.

The program is not only about professional growth but also about experiencing the rich culture of Southwest Germany. The festive atmosphere of the Christmas market, along with local treats and crafts, offers a cultural immersion that enhances the overall experience. © 2024

Why Attend?


Attending this training will allow you to gain in-depth knowledge and certification in Green Project Management, adding significant value to your professional credentials. The unique combination of professional training and cultural events makes this program unique. You will meet and connect with other professionals in the field, share experiences, and expand your professional network. Moreover, the balanced program ensures you enjoy rigorous training and leisure activities, contributing to personal growth.


How to Register?


Secure your spot for this exclusive training event and maximize this fantastic opportunity. For more information, send our Partner an email at Direct registration is available via the following form: Don’t miss the chance to end your year on a high note with the GPM-b™ certification training in Saarbruecken.

Whether you choose the English class in November or the German class in December, you will leave with new skills, cherished memories, and a network of like-minded professionals. We look forward to welcoming you in Saarbruecken and helping you complete your year with this outstanding event.


Learn more about Frank Tassone and ALVISSION EDUCATION from our interview From Saarland in Germany into the world – meet ALVISSION EDUCATION GmbH – GPM EMEA 

Contact Frank Tassone on LinkedIn: Frank Tassone, PM Activist – Disciplined Agilist | LinkedIn