We are pleased to introduce pm2pm sp. z o.o. – the first Green Project Management Accredited Training Partner (ATP) in Poland. Who are they? Why did they decide to introduce GPM training to their offer? What are their development plans in this regard? We talk about this with Ewa Bednarczyk, the President of the Board at pm2pm.
What does pm2pm do?
We are a training company, mainly focused on increasing competencies of project managers. We prepare our trainees for different kinds of certifications – IPMA®, PMP®, Prince2®, and of course, GPM. We have a wide range of products in our portfolio. Six years ago, as the first organization in Poland, we became the GPM ATP.
Why did you decide to become an Accredited Training Partner of Green Project Management?
It was a natural direction for our company looking at all challenges that the world is facing now. I think that there was no other choice. At pm2pm, we believe that this is our obligation to assure that future generations and future project managers are aware of sustainability. We want to teach them how to implement it into their projects and in the final products.
It is, of course, also a business opportunity. We observe that now nobody is questioning the need to train their employees in sustainable project management. Mature organizations are already ready to implement sustainability in their strategy and on an operational level.
What is important to you in the project management model developed and promoted by GPM?
We know other methodologies, tools that integrate sustainable management into projects and strategy development, but Green Project Management does it in the most systematic and wide range. We have to remember that sustainability is an extensive topic. Bringing it to the operational level is no easy task. All tools and standards provided by GPM assure that this is possible.
GPM is not a huge organization, so cooperating is just a pleasure. It is essential for us that GPM is open to new ideas. When we have a proposal, for example, to improve materials, we get a quick response, and changes are made. We also get support whenever is needed. This flexibility, agility and the possibility to influence and develop products are essential for us.
What are your plans for promoting GPM training and certification in your offer?
In my opinion, all project managers will have to be trained in PRiSM™ methodology and P5 Standard very soon. We incorporate GPM knowledge in our current project management programs. If the group is experienced in project management, the PRiSM methodology adds value to their expertise and competencies. People who enter the market and want to increase their competencies in project management must learn sustainable project management already from the beginning. That’s why we add tools, methods, competencies provided by GPM to our training programs.
About Ewa Bednarczyk:
Ewa Bednarczyk is a highly skilled and experienced Project Manager within an international environment. Advocate for spreading the philosophy of sustainable project management and project management excellence on a global forum. She has leadership experience across multicultural teams and virtual management of project teams. Ewa also has a big expertise in marketing, best practice sharing of project management certification programs, and improvement of business processes.
Contact with pm2pm Sp. z o.o.:
Phone: +48 503 168 058
E-mail: biuro@pm2pm.pl
Website: www.pm2pm.pl